
2015年7月10日 星期五

MySQL 效能調整

效能調整要考慮的因素很多。最簡單也能最能自主掌握的應是由 my.ini or my.cnf 設定檔。以下是最為重要的幾個參數的相關整理。

參數名稱       建議

key_buffer_size               //Do not set it larger than 30% of your available memory
innodb_buffer_pool_size //you may set this  parameter up to 80% of the machine physical memory size ;Typical values are 5-6GB (8GB RAM), 20-25GB (32GB RAM), 100-120GB (128GB RAM).
innodb_log_files_size     // This has been lifted in MySQL 5.6.
query_cache_size           // The best option is to disable it from day 1 by setting query_cache_size = 0 (now the default on MySQL 5.6) ; Or Try 32 - 128M (caution: 512!)
thread_cache_size          //8 - 128M 

